Shervin/e Sheikh Rezaei (b. 1994, Belgium/Iran) navigates the delicate interplay between the organic and the artificial, between the fluidity of nature and humanity's invasive reach. Her multimedia practice thrives where architecture dissolves into visual art, and rationality yields to the irrational and emotional. Moving from architecture to visual art, she explores the uncontainable through movement, organic materials, and the fleeting nature of memory. Her work spans pencil drawings, videos, sculptures, and installations, consistently balancing logic with intuition, control with self-reflection, always seeking the unexpected in an uneasy juxtaposition.
Sheikh Rezaei's art exists in the spaces between disciplines—architecture, visual arts, and philosophy—often probing themes of memory, identity, and the human experience. She blends mathematical precision with poetic thought, creating spaces that are both functional and symbolic. Transparent materials and mirrors often feature in her work, creating dialogues between the physical and emotional. Her recurring exploration of the duality between control and surrender reflects her introspective approach, inviting viewers to reflect on their own nature and their interactions with the world.

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